Friday, August 04, 2006

Well i fished that Reveiw in its entirerty, Ben if you stumble across this before i send it to you feel free to take it right from this Blog. Not super proud of it, kinda sounds like an over obsessed fan, probably should pointed out more negatives but whatever. It really is an amazing CD.

Album Reveiw- Monty Are I Wall of PeopleYou may know them as Monty, you may know them as Monty's Fan club. But who cares about the band's name, they sure didn't when they picked the name Monty Are I as the title that would gracce their first major release Wall of People. They may say they are the same monty, but we all know better than that.The truth is that Monty's sound has changed drastically over the years. They used to be ska, and damn good ska at that. They sitll may have a horn section but monty has long since drifted away from the ska scene, and this new album proves just that. Monty is no longer ska.But i never said that was a bad thing.Instead, The boys of Monty Are I have discovered... a new sound. Something unlike anything else. They call this sound action rock. That name is almost as lame as the name Monty Are I, but never the less, it rocks, just like Monty Are I.So we got the fact that monty rocks the socks but how good is this album? is it worth my money? Im bored so lets lets break it down.
Song by song
1. Between the Sheets - This song was on their last Cd, the red shift. In fact all of the songs on that cd are on here (except for Polished and Poisoned and Away with Two chairs), but chances are you never heard it. Thats where i come in.
It’s a classic Monty song, and a perfect one to start this album. Its powerful and chatchy, and it really gets you into the song and album. If they ever put out a single, ten bucks says this song is the one they use.
2. Castle Bound- I love the intro to this song, so classy. and it just fits. There are so many little things in this song that sets it apart, I don't like the brigde right before the solo, its like a brick wall, but it makes the guitar solo even more awsome. Its not an amazing solo, but the timing is just perfect and its feel rewarding.
3. Dublin Waltz- A new song. This song just like most of the other once has alot of little things all over the place that makes it that much better. Theres a cow bell! Its soft and faint but after the third time i listened to it i heard it. I also like the fact that the song is actually a waltz. Some bands use waltz in the name of the song but the song isn't actually a waltz. Major props for monty for doing their research. Also the orchrastra in the background is a nice touch and makes the song that much more powerful.
4. Anchor and Hope- I bet this song has something to do with rhode Island. Another new song. It has a faster pace than some of the other songs, which is a plus. I can’t really say much about this song. It’s a good song but not super amazing like.
5. O Brother – A Red Shift Song. I can’t say anything bad about this song. Very powerful just like all of monty’s songs. The thing that makes this song stick out is the Cranston East Quire singing in the end.
6. Island City – Another song off the Red Shift. It’s the first slow song on the album and gives you time to rest after rocking out from the songs previous to this one. It also has a lot of nice effects. It’s a nice relaxing song, kind of draged out at the end alittle but that’s kewl cuz it leads in right into the next song.
7. Metropolis – I guess you call this Island City Pt 2. It’s Faster and louder than ist’s predisesor, and is pretty catchy. But it lacks the emence power the other songs had. But I guess it’s a nice change. If all their songs had that emence power to them the album would be painfull. Don’t get me wrong its still a good song.
8. In This Legacy – In my opinion the best song on the Red shift and one of the best on Wall of People. It’s Monty at its finist. It’s powerful and catchy and is just everything monty does well in a nutshell.
9. Just in Time – My least favorite song on the album. Its slow and just doesn’t sink in. There are just to many things going on in this song and I just can’t get a feel for it.
10. Tie off your veins – When I first heard this song I didn’t really like it. I felt it was just this massive blob of sound with no direction. The more I listened it however the more I began to like it. The more I got into it the more I realized, this may just be the best song on the CD. Just the intro alone makes this song on the top on my list.
11. Only the Weak – I can imagine seeing steve screaming the words of this song on stage and everyone going crazy. Its like an anthem, and one of the most powerfull songs on the entire album. Your tired from rocking out to everysong and just when you feel you couldn’t go on, this song comes on and it just completely refuels you. Its almost like he is tauting you. “Only the weak can’t rock out any more, your not one of them are you?” (I don’t think that’s what the song is about but that’s what I thought he was talking about the first time I heard it)

Okay so you get the point. This CD is amazing go buy it right now. Best CD in the history of man? Not quite, but not far from it.

9 out of 10 is a good modest score right?

Besides that..bleh. Got my senior picks taken today i dun like getting my picturese taken but it wasn't that bad. It was over fast.

I dunno.. bored.. bleh.

Been screwin around in photoshop, ill post some stuff i made later, to lazy to do it now.



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